Morning Drop-Off
Beginning at 8:00a.m., students may be dropped off for the school day. Upon enrollment, each family will be assigned to a particular parking lot. That is the lot you will drop off your student in. The location for drop off is the side door of the auditorium. There will be a school staff member at the door awaiting your arrival. When your student gets out of the vehicle, they will enter the auditorium and be seated by class. They will be supervised until 8:25 a.m. when their teacher will come to pick them up and take them to class.
Afternoon Pick-Up
Student pick-up begins at 3:00p.m. Parents will queue up in the same lot as morning drop-off. Parents must display their laminated pick-up card in the from windshield so it is visible to the staff member who will be stationed at the side door of the auditorium. When the staff member sees your card, they will have your student(s) come out to the vehicle. Students will load quickly and then you must move on to keep things moving efficiently.
Early Pick-Up
When picking up your student early from school, you will need to park at the top of the south (first) parking lot and walk over to the front of the school building. You will approach the school office window and show your license to the secretary. Provided you are on the approved pick-up list for that student, the student will be brought to the office and then released to you.
Please note that a student may not be picked up between 2:45p.m. and 3:00p.m. That time is reserved for classroom preparedness for dismissal. If you need to pick your student up early, it must be before 2:45p.m. or you will have to wait until 3:00p.m. and pick them up in the normal dismissal method.
Late Arrivals
If you are bringing your student to school after 8:30a.m., they are tardy. You will need to park and walk your student to the front office window to receive a tardy slip. Students will have to sign in and will be issued a tardy slip before being allowed to enter the building. Please be aware that the time on your tardy slip will reflect the time your student signs in. If there are other tardy students waiting in line when you arrive, you will have to wait until they are signed in and this may affect the time registered on your child's tardy slip. If your student arrives after 12:00p.m., although they will be admitted to class, they will be marked absent for the day on the attendance record.